At some point you've stopped your thoughts to take in a scene, or perhaps your thoughts were stopped by a scene. Trees of changing color, sunlight reflecting, shade enticing. For each person the instrument of escape is a different venue. The rusting water tower and abandoned barns that ease my mind, are autumn leaves and sunsets for others. We sometimes aren't aware of what our triggers are, but we all know the sensation of experiencing that pause. That escape. It's ancient and it's in our bones.
This October The Arts Guild of Old Forge has invited artists to bring their easels and root themselves before any number of inspirational spots. The Old Forge Plein Air Paint Out will last for two weekends, October 3rd & 4th and 10th & 11th. Painters will dot Old Forge and it's surroundings to lose themselves in the moment. Creating, in dual exactitude, a landscape for us to take in as well. Not only will artists be a facet of the Fall scenery here in the Adirondacks, but their canvases will be available via auction on October 11th.
It will be exciting, in the subtle way these things are exciting.
There will be this view, of which you've seen hundreds of times. Sometimes you noticed, sometimes your mind was elsewhere. But this time, you'll see an artist there and you'll agree it was a good choice. Maybe you'll just say it to yourself, or maybe you'll compliment the painter on their selection. Not wanting to stray too long, you'll look at that view (maybe steal a peek at the easel's contents) and realize this is a new moment you haven't had here before.
Later on, at the McCauley Mountain chalet, while you're searching for that canvas you saw only partially completed, you'll try to recognize the landscapes of all the other paintings. There will be wine, but also music will be pouring into the room as you search.... looking for something that tickles that part of your mind. The silent auction will begin at noon, followed by a live auction at five in the evening. Finger foods enough to satisfy your dinner cravings will be available.
Come find out how easy it can be to be a patron of the arts. It will be exciting, in the subtle way these things are exciting.
I don't own an easel. Plus I'm fairly certain whatever paints I had remaining are long ago dried up, and more recently disposed of. Still, every once in awhile I'll pass an artist who has perched themselves on the edge of a scene in an attempt to capture it, and I'll feel a tinge of jealousy. They're in the moment, working on the moment, and extending that moment both in time and into a framable existence. While skills are involved no doubt, my envy doesn't come from knowing how good they are at painting. It comes from knowing they are experiencing the zenith of a scene. Hour after challenging hour is being enjoyed in the pursuit of capturing a feeling at its apex. It's exciting, in the subtle way these things are exciting...
Ken Thibado (your plein air pal)