Monday, June 13, 2011

Message from a Volunteer

Pastel above: "Canopy Reflected" by Richard Lundgren,

I’m writing this because I seriously doubt that many of my friends, neighbors and relatives have any idea what will briefly be in their own back yard, and will let this limited opportunity pass them by. I’m afraid they won’t experience what we have here. We may not have milk, but we “Got Art”.

About 4 years ago, I went to the National Pastel exhibition (didn’t even know we had a National Pastel Exhibition) basically to support my daughter in her new job. I had no clue what pastels were. Something about chalk being involved made me think more of a hop scotch board than art. It turned out to be the beginning of a love affair not only with this medium, but the artists as well.

Got Art? You betcha we do. The 7th Northeast National Pastel Exhibition is currently on view. I want to urge all of you to visit this exhibit for several reasons. It’s the first National exhibition to be held in the new facility, now know as View, but still called the Arts Center by all of us who will probably continue the habit, just like I still call DiOrio’s the D&D. It’s an absolutely quality exhibit. I swear if you do not love it as much as the water colors, it will be because you love it more. And lastly, because you will be amazed that we have something so beautiful right here, right now and we still have time to enjoy it before the crazy, hectic summer season begins. You won’t want to have to admit that you missed it. So go.

Getting the gallery’s ready for this exhibit was a monumental task. Please look for the touches of many hands that built, painted and placed the new moveable walls and pedestals. Check out the hanging system. And don’t miss the new lettering technique. It is all so upscale and professional. And if you have some extra time, you too can see your handy work. There is still much to do.

We have so much to be proud of at this new building and we need to enjoy the benefits of it too. So visit this exhibit. Take in the wonder of the art as well as the labor of love by many hands and be proud that you can tell our visitors that “we got art! And we have a great place to view it.”

Paula Weal

Old Forge and Carthage

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Paula!
    Your effort and that of the staff and volunteers certainly paid off. View is only going to get better and better.
